SINCE 1975 From Taiwan, Tainan.


OUR BRAND Elelctronic Components.


FUTURE GOALS Seeks the green raw material to become our most important task.


OUALITY Gaining a reputation from overseas customers.


SINCE 1975 From Taiwan, Tainan.

当社は1975年、Wun Taix 『穩鈦興業有限公司』会社として台湾で誕生して以来、電子部品事業の分野では30年の経験を有します。台湾国内ばかりではなく、日本を始めとする諸外国の会社にも高い評価をいただいております。

OUR BRAND Elelctronic Components.


FUTURE GOALS Seeks the green raw material to become our most important task.

独創的な製品やサービスは、他社にない技術やノウハウから生まれます。一歩抜きんでた価値創造力、それこそが企業競争力を左右するキーワードになっているのです。Wun Taixは「環境問題」が人類共通の最重要課題であることを認識し、製品およびサービスの環境に及ぼす影響の改善を継続的に行っております。

OUALITY Gaining a reputation from overseas customers.

Wun Taixはお客様の信頼と満足を得るために、最高の品質を継続して提供することを第一としております。更に1996・2003年に次々と国際規格認証ISO9002及びISO9001を受審し認証登録され、創業以来お客様の満足を第一に、品質の改善及び向上に取り組んでまいりました。

SINCE 1975 From Taiwan, Tainan.

Wun Taix is located in Southern Taiwan, capitalized at USD320,000 (NTD10,000,000), with a factory plant 2800M2 in Tainan. Founded in 1975, we target at providing a total solution for various electronic components and concentrate on offering a broad range of Adaptor plugs, sockets, banana plugs & Jacks, knobs, binding posts, switches and OEM service for customers.

OUR BRAND Elelctronic Components.

We have been long distributed the products under our own brand name which has become an asset for ourselves gaining a reputation from overseas customers. That is why our customers select us to be their OEM in Taiwan. For almost 70% of the standard offering, our products are commonly employed in testing equipment, household appliances and medical equipments. At the moment, we intend to provide a complete package of various plugs & jacks in the finished products. By means of providing as full parts as possible, we are capable of the concerted services.

FUTURE GOALS Seeks the green raw material to become our most important task.

The majority of our production is carried out in the Taiwan plant. By taking advantage of partial out sources, we are concentrated on the procedures of assembly, quality control and package to be executed in the house and provide the quickest delivery for our customers. Moreover, searching green raw materials become our first priority because we only have one earth. We wish everybody have health and green environment and let our children grow up in the health and green world.

OUALITY Gaining a reputation from overseas customers.

In addition, we have implemented ISO 9002 since 1996 and upgraded to ISO 9001 in 2003. Under strict quality control, our customers are reliable on our products. We are not only manufactory but also could be our customers' agent in Taiwan. Anything you need, just contact us.

87 Daciao 5th Street, Yongkang District, Tainan 71048, TAIWAN*|*(71048)台南市永康區大橋五街 87號
TEL: +886-6-2332589*FAX: +886-6-2317778*E-mail:*|*
Copyright © WUN TAIX CO., LTD.*網頁設計 鉅潞科技